“When we feel ready to give up, this is the time when healing can be found in the tenderness of pain itself.”

-Pema Chödrön

  • Face to Face

    Whether you are confronting anxiety, stress, or traumatic experiences, I can support you face-to-face either virtually through Zoom or in-person in my office.

  • Walk-and-Talk

    Life can be busy, and counselling can be overwhelming. I offer walk-and-talk sessions to help you stay in your body while we move through your healing journey.

  • Couple's Counselling

    A relational system that is distressed can be exhausting, hurtful and even scary. I am trained in Emotional-Focused Couples therapy and can help you and your partner repair the bond that brought you together bringing more fulfillment, trust and love into your relationship.

  • EMDR

    Using eye movement and bilateral stimulation, we will reprocess and integrate traumatic experiences, helping you feel free from stuck feelings or memories.

  • Individual Free Consultation

    Let’s spend 15 minutes together chatting on the phone and getting to know each other better. My goal is to create a safe space to learn more about what has encouraged you to seek counselling and for you to ask me any questions you may have about the therapeutic process.

  • Couple's Free Consultation

    Let’s spend 15 minutes together chatting on the phone and getting to know each other better. My goal is to create a safe space to learn more about what has encouraged you and your partner to seek counselling and for you to ask me any questions you may have about the therapeutic process.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally developed to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories. It is based on the idea that memories of traumatic experiences get “stuck” in the brain resulting in distressing symptoms and emotional reactions that continue to happen in the present, though the event happened in the past. The goal of EMDR is to help you process and reprocess these memories so that they can be integrated into your overall memory network in a healthier way – the memory of the traumatic experience does not disappear, but the emotional charge and associated symptoms are reduced or even completely resolved.

The core component of EMDR involves bilateral simulation. This can be achieved through various ways, including eye movements (the “EM” of EMDR) facilitated by the therapist, tapping, hand-held tappers that vibrate like the vibration on your cell phone, or auditory tones. It is believed that the back-and-forth movements engage both the left and right sides of the brain, linking communication between them. During an EMDR session I will ask you to focus on a specific traumatic memory or upsetting thought while at the same time you are engaging in one these bilateral movements.

EMDR Therapy 

This is called dual attention and helps the natural ability of the brain to desensitize (the “D” of EMDR) the emotional charge of unprocessed or unhealed memories, leading to a natural restoration, adaptive resolution and linkage to positive memory networks (Reprocessed, the “R” of EMDR). This does not mean the traumatic memory becomes a positive one, but rather it no longer negatively interferes with your growth and healing.

EMDR is an eight-phase approach that requires extensive training. It generally follows a script to ensure its safety and efficacy. I am trained to support you to move through any difficult emotions, thoughts or feelings that may emerge during an EMDR session. I also engage in regular consultation to develop my knowledge of EMDR therapy.

If the word trauma feels too strong to describe something you’ve experienced, and you are unsure whether EMDR is the right approach for you, consider trauma as any experience that overwhelms your nervous system where you experienced significant distress. Divorce, a relationship break-up, death of a loved one (even a pet), phobias or situations that evoke high levels of anxiety have all been successfully treated by EMDR. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about EMDR being an appropriate therapy for you.


Please note: Little Mountain Counselling is not an emergency service. I try to respond to inquiries or messages within 24 hours. If you need immediate assistance, please contact your family doctor or go to the nearest emergency department. You can contact:

Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC Helpline
1-800-784-2433 Get Help - crisiscentre.bc.ca

Interior Crisis Line Network
Crisis Line (24/7): 1-888-353-2273 (C.A.R.E.)
Crisis Chat Service (Thursday to Sunday 5:00-9:00pm PT/6:00-10:00 pm MT)

For First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples Hope for Wellness Help Line
Call 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free) or connect to the online Hope for Wellness chat. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples seeking emotional support, crisis intervention, or referrals to community-based services.